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认知语言学的书看不下去,因为书里的实验细节太多。比如 Rosch 的焦点色实验,讲了太多实验思路和数据,实在不想费那个劲儿。;索性用 ChatGPT 来学习,按照之前已经学会的「原型范畴论」来看,我对 ChatGPT 的用法,主要就是在学一个新的概念的时候,让它给我举例子。另外尝试点苏格拉底式教学,只不过我是学生。我准备尝试对它给我的回答,再输出自己的思考,看它能不能回应我。 我不准备靠它让我完全入门,只是希望它能带我游览一番,先大概了解一下主要的术语,找找感觉,所谓「全局认识」。

我:Do you know cogniti【【微信】】?ChatGPT:

Yes, I am familiar with cogniti【【微信】】. Cogniti【【微信】】 is a field of linguistics that studies how language reflects and shapes human cognition, or the mental processes in【【微信】】, thought, and language use. Cogniti【【微信】】at language is not just a set of arbitrary symbols or rules, but is closely intertwined with our concepts, experiences, and cultural practices. This means that linguistic structures and meanings are not determined solely by formal properties of language, but also by cogniti【【微信】】egorization, metaphor, image-schemas, and conceptual blending. Some of the major figures in cogniti【【微信】】 include George Lakoff, Mark Johnson, Ronald Langacker, and Gilles Fauconnier.


我:gi【【微信】】t prototype categorization ChatGPT:

Sure, here are some examples of prototype categorization:Fruits: The category of fruits includes many different types of items, such as apples, oranges, bananas, and grapes. However, 【【微信】】ype of a fruit, we might picture a round or oblong object with a sweet taste and seeds inside. This prototype might be more strongly associated with some fruits than others, such as apples and oranges, which are commonly thought of as prototypical fruits.Birds: The category of birds includes a wide range of species, from eagles and owls to sparrows and finches. However, 【【微信】】ype of a bird, we might picture a small to medium-sized animal with feathers, a beak, and the ability to fly. This prototype might be more strongly associated with some birds than others, such as robins and blue jays, which are commonly thought of as prototypical birds.Chairs: The category of chairs includes many different types of seating furniture, such as armchairs, recliners, and stools. However, 【【微信】】ype of a chair, we might picture a four-legged piece of furniture with a seat and a backrest. This prototype might be more strongly associated with some chairs than others, such as dining chairs and office chairs, which are commonly thought of as prototypical chairs.In each of these examples, the prototype represents a central, typical or ideal member of the category, which is used as a reference point for categorizing other members. However, 【【微信】】hat prototype categorization is not fixed or absolute, and can 【【微信】】idual experience, cultural context, and other factors.

点评:「原型范畴论」,它给我举了这 3 个例子:水果,鸟,椅子。我之前有了解过原型范畴论,看起来它解释得不错。跟教科书比,它的一个好处是,把教科书里面的实验细节给略去了,直接给了结论,这个对我来说刚刚好。我手里的一本教材,里面把 Rosch 的实验讲得很细,但它不是我目前想要的解释层次。我还是想尽快的把整个认知语言学给全局了解一遍。

我:OK, what's the link between wittgenstein and this prototype categorization?ChatGPT:

Ludwig Wittgenstein was a philosopher who had a significant influence on the de【【微信】】 theory and categorization. His philosophical in【【微信】】ge and meaning challenged traditional 【【微信】】stem of fixed, uni【【微信】】d emphasized the importance of context and use in shaping meaning.Wittgenstein's concept of family resemblance, which he introduced in his book "Philosophical In【【微信】】," is often seen as a precursor to prototype theory. Family resemblance refers to the idea that members of a category are linked by a network of o【【微信】】es, rather than by a fixed set of defining features. Wittgenstein argued that our understanding of a concept is based on the 【【微信】】 is used and applied in different contexts, rather than on a set of necessary and sufficient conditions.This idea of family resemblance is similar to the concept of prototype, in that prototypes are seen as central examples that are linked to other members of the category through a network of similarities. Both ideas challenge the traditional 【【微信】】xed and unchanging, and emphasize the importance of context and experience in shaping our understanding of concepts.O【【微信】】, Wittgenstein's ideas about language and meaning had a significant influence on the development of cogniti【【微信】】 and prototype theory, and continue to shape our understanding of how language and thought are interconnected.

点评 :我问它,维特根斯坦和原型范畴论有啥关系,它解释道,维特根斯坦是原型理论的先驱(precursor),他提出的的「家族相似性」,说明了对概念的理解,不是靠必须吻合指定的特点,而是像一种网状的结构,满足其中一部分即可。它和原型理论一样,都挑战了过去对于范畴/分类的理解(categorization)

我:How can I utilize the prototype theory in writing?ChatGPT:

Prototype theory can be a useful tool for writers to create more effecti【【微信】】tions, characters, and narratives. 【【微信】】riters can utilize prototype theory in their writing:Create 【【微信】】criptions: By using prototypical features and characteristics, writers can create 【【微信】】criptions that help readers 【【微信】】ith the subject of the description. For example, instead of describing a character as simply "beautiful," a writer might use prototypical features such as "long, flowing hair" or "bright, sparkling eyes" to create a more compelling and detailed description.De【【微信】】c characters: By using prototype theory, writers can create more 【【微信】】 and realistic characters by highlighting their uni【【微信】】d quirks. For example, a writer might gi【【微信】】ical features such as "【【微信】】" or "compassionate," but also include idiosyncrasies that make the character more relatable and human.Create engaging and memorable narratives: 【【微信】】hemes and motifs, writers can create engaging and memorable narrati【【微信】】eaders. For example, a writer might use prototypical themes such as "the hero's journey" or "the coming-of-age story" to structure their narrative, 【【微信】】 twists and turns that make the story more interesting and unpredictable.O【【微信】】, prototype theory can be a powerful tool for writers to create more effecti【【微信】】 by using prototypical features, characteristics, themes, and motifs. By le【【微信】】ototypes, writers can create more vivid, 【【微信】】, and memorable writing that connects with readers on a deeper level.


我:if I want to learn a new concept, how can I utilize the idea of prototype theory?ChatGPT:

Prototype theory can be a useful tool for learning and understanding new concepts. Here are a few ways that you can utilize prototype theory when learning a new concept:Identify the prototype: Start by identifying the central or typical example of the concept. This could in【【微信】】king others for examples of the concept, and then identifying the most commonly cited or widely accepted example.Explore related examples: Once you ha【【微信】】type, explore related examples that share similarities with the prototype. This could in【【微信】】xamples of the concept or brainstorming examples on your own.Identify 【【微信】】s: Next, identify 【【微信】】s among the related examples. This could in【【微信】】ples that deviate from the prototype or exploring different contexts or applications of the concept.Build your understanding: Finally, use this process of exploring prototypes, related examples, 【【微信】】s to build your understanding of the concept. By identifying the core features of the concept and how they relate to different examples and 【【微信】】, you can develop a more robust and nuanced understanding of the concept.O【【微信】】, prototype theory can help you approach new concepts by identifying the central or typical example and then exploring related examples, 【【微信】】s. By building your understanding of the concept in this way, you can de【【微信】】omprehensive understanding that can help you apply the concept in new and 【【微信】】.

点评:我继续问它应用方面,在学新东西的时候,如果利用原型范畴论。这里 ChatGPT 说的真好:先了解一个概念的原型例子(explore related examples),除此之外还不够,还得了解一下其他例子,这样你可以感受到细微分别。我在这一点上继续向他请教。

我:That is to say, in order to get the core features of a concept,I should not only learn the prototype example, but also some other examples not that prototype? Because with more examples I can feel the nuances and get the core concept?ChatGPT:

Yes, that's correct! While identifying the prototype example is a good starting point for learning a new concept, it's important to explore related examples as well in order to gain a more comprehensi【【微信】】 concept. By examining a range of examples that share similarities with the prototype but also exhibit differences and 【【微信】】, you can better understand the core features and nuances of the concept.For example, let's say you are trying to learn the concept of "dog." The prototype example might be a Golden Retriever, 【【微信】】erstand the concept of "dog," it's important to explore other examples as well, such as Chihuahuas, Great Danes, and bulldogs. By examining these related examples, you can gain a more nuanced understanding of what characteristics are central to the concept of "dog" and what 【【微信】】 are possible within that category.So, in summary, exploring related examples in addition to the prototype can help you better understand the core features and nuances of a concept.

点评:他给我举了个例子,如果要学习狗的概念,不仅仅要学习比较经典的原型:金毛,还得了解一些不那么原型的 dog,比如吉娃娃、法斗。它最后的这句话:

exploring related examples in addition to the prototype can help you better understand the core features and nuances of a concept.


联想到老阳之前在介绍写卡片的时候,说一个概念,要写 3 个例子,就是在应用这里的原理。概念是一张网,你不仅要知道原型范畴,你还得知道其他例子,这样你对概念吃得更透。

上位、基本、下位层次范畴,我也问了他如何应用。我:How should I utilize this difference among superordinate ,basic, subordinate le【【微信】】?ChatGPT:

Understanding the different le【【微信】】 can be useful in writing for a few reasons:Precision: By choosing the appropriate le【【微信】】, you can communicate your ideas more precisely. For example, if you're writing about different breeds of dogs, using the basic le【【微信】】 "dog" might be too broad and not specific enough. Instead, you might want to use subordinate le【【微信】】 "Golden Retriever," "【【微信】】," and "Chihuahua" to pro【【微信】】etail.Clarity: Using the appropriate le【【微信】】 can also help ensure that your writing is clear and easy to understand. If you use a superordinate le【【微信】】 that is too broad, your readers may be confused or miss important details. On the other hand, if you use a subordinate le【【微信】】 that is too specific, your readers may be o【【微信】】h detail. Using the basic le【【微信】】 can help strike the right balance between specificity and simplicity.Engagement: Using the appropriate le【【微信】】 can also help engage your readers by pro【【微信】】 relevant details. For example, if you're writing about different types of flowers, using subordinate le【【微信】】 "daisy," "rose," and "tulip" can help y

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